A black and white drawing of three gears on a white background.

Technical Programs

Insulation Power Factor Training for Power Transformer (with hands on)

This course provides participants  with current methods and procedures used internationally, on predictive, periodic or condition based maintenance  (condition base is - on line diagnostics and monitoring). The course is for substation maintenance staff or less experienced in power transformer tresting , or an experienced maintenance technical staff.  This program will also cater to advanced test engineer to learn new concepts in power transformer testing, oil recycling or oil filtering concept, and basic results interpretation. The course will also focus on issues related to causes of bushing breakdown, arresters, oil, impedance, leakage reactance and most of all short circuits rating a transformer can withstand.

  • A man wearing a hard hat is standing in front of a machine.

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    Write your caption here
  • A person is plugging wires into a device that says ' high voltage ' on it

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    Write your caption here
  • A person is typing on a laptop that says ' sharp ' on it

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    Write your caption here

What you will learn from this program:

A check mark in a black circle on a white background.

Discuss basic transformer fundamentals and Understand the latest transformer technology

A check mark in a black circle on a white background.

Discuss making of a transformer

A check mark in a black circle on a white background.

Enumerate basic oil and transformer testing methodology protocol

A check mark in a black circle on a white background.

Identify and solve concerns of on the job practices

A check mark in a black circle on a white background.

Discuss equipment application

A check mark in a black circle on a white background.

Demonstrate actual IPF methodology and testing procedures

Module 1

Two black arrows pointing in opposite directions on a white background.

Objectives of the program

To learn the fundamentals of transformers

A black and white silhouette of a light bulb on a white background.

Learning outcomes per topic

To be able to describe and explain the basic components of a transformer as a refresher. 

A black and white silhouette of a megaphone on a white background.

Topics to be discussed

Transformer fundamentals

Module 2

Two black arrows pointing in opposite directions on a white background.

Objectives of the program

To learn the theoretical functions on  how transformers work and identify points of power transformers weakest link

A black and white silhouette of a light bulb on a white background.

Learning outcomes per topic

Participants can also explain why theoretical applications is a necessary part to in knowing how to work with power transformers.

A black and white silhouette of a megaphone on a white background.

Topics to be discussed

IPF Theory and application including testing procedures

Module 3

Two black arrows pointing in opposite directions on a white background.

Objectives of the program

This will also introduce the significant effects of static electricity in testing power transformers in the field.

A black and white silhouette of a light bulb on a white background.

Learning outcomes per topic

The participants can also describe the field testing methodologies as part of its maintenance procedures and how to compute its different levels for heat generated  inside the transformers

A black and white silhouette of a megaphone on a white background.

Topics to be discussed

- Different significant electrical field

- Testing for transformer diagnostics

Module 4

Two black arrows pointing in opposite directions on a white background.

Objectives of the program

The need to understand the need for DGA and oil quality of insulating oil analyses

A black and white silhouette of a light bulb on a white background.

Learning outcomes per topic

To be able to understand DGA test results

A black and white silhouette of a megaphone on a white background.

Topics to be discussed

DGA & oil quality test

Module 5

Two black arrows pointing in opposite directions on a white background.

Objectives of the program

To learn virtual or hybrid or face to face training inside PamavTech oil laboratory

A black and white silhouette of a light bulb on a white background.

Learning outcomes per topic

To be able to describe test results from bad or good results using different methods of IPF testing procedures

A black and white silhouette of a megaphone on a white background.

Topics to be discussed

Virtual test demo


- Exciting current test

- HV ratio test

- Impedance test

This program is for:

A black and white drawing of a fan on a white background.

Electrical Engineers

A black and white drawing of a wrench and screwdriver on a white background.

Mechanical Engineers

A black and white drawing of a graduation cap on a white background.

Engineering Students

A black and white drawing of a s on a white background.

Electrical Technicians

This program is accredited by:

Top Courses

Other Courses

  • Distance Protection

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    In the second 2-hour session we will concentrate mainly of testing and protection evaluation aspect. The meaningful testing of the complex digital protection will be discussed using the commercially available power system simulators. 

    Use of ComTrade data in protection evaluation will be discussed in detail. Learn more here.

  • Insulation Power Factor Training for Power Transformer

    This course provides participants  with current methods and procedures used internationally, on predictive, periodic or condition based maintenance  (condition base is - on line diagnostics and monitoring).

    The course is for substation maintenance staff or less experienced in power transformer tresting , or an experienced maintenance technical staff.  This program will also cater to advanced test engineer to learn new concepts in power transformer testing, oil recycling or oil filtering concept, and basic results interpretation. The course will also focus on issues related to causes of bushing breakdown, arresters, oil, impedance, leakage reactance and most of all short circuits rating a transformer can withstand. Learn more here.

  • Introduction to Partial Discharge Testing

    This training program will provide participants Introduction to basic application of Partial Discharge Testing in HV Electrical Assets in the substation.  This program will show how to measure, and how large  a partial discharge in a system? The partial discharge measurements also show the PD testers, how to use them show the   surge tests and PD spikes. Learn more here.

  • Competency Training on Power Quality and Harmonics

    This training is focused on  power quality issues that affects  the electrical system’s operations, more importantly when harmonic frequencies and its harmonic current and voltage affect the Distribution System that contributes to losses.  The Grid Code requires, commercial, highrise residential buildings,  industrial plants, and Utilities to comply within the  Standards.  The increasing demand and applications of non-linear load in industries nowadays greatly affects the quality of the power system.  This program will enhance the knowledge and practices of facility managers, maintenance and technical people at site and more importantly to save energy. Learn more here.

  • Fundamentals of Protective Relay

    Power system - Protective Relaying, in an electrical network  protects the electrical  system of a plant or any facility and it  requires analysis, calibration, troubleshooting on any unusual changes, faults, and disturbances. This seminar will cover  Protective relaying in power generation, transmission, distribution and large loads, furthermore, it will also provide a strong foundation of basic applications and advances in protective relaying that is very useful in planning, operating, and managing electric power systems. Learn more here.

  • Mechanical Integrity of Power Transformers using Sweep Frequency Response Analyzer

    This program provide participants a  comprehensive information on the diagnostic methodologies to evaluate the mechanical integrity of power  transformers. It will discuss the  basic principles of diagnostic assessments  with the use of sweep frequency response analyzer  and includes field case studies.

    This will also provide technical and maintenance  staff to determine some components of power transformer when internal parts had been affected by faults or when the unit is in transit and fell to the ground. Learn more here.

  • Thermal Imaging on Power Assets

    The program will provide participants on how to develop skills in measuring temperature of electrical assets, such as, power transformers, panels, switchgears, busduct, power cables, transformers enclosures, etc.  

    This thermal imaging program is developed for non-certification program, however participants would be able to use its thermal imaging camera effectively and with confidence.  Interpretation of results will also be discussed during hands on lecture.  Many have learned from this hands-on program and does not require certification to learn how to measure temperatures at different assets. Learn more here.

  • Digitalization of AVRs for Power Generators

    This training program will enhance the participant’s knowledge on power  generators or large motors in analyzing  analogue or digital automatic Voltage Regulators improve the power generator voltage output. or  for short  called  “AVR” – automatic voltage regulator, that controls desired & precise voltage, var and power regulation output. It is designed to regulate voltage output  automatically on power generators,  in example,  to take a fluctuating voltage level and turn it into a constant voltage level. Learn more here.

  • Dissolved Gas Analysis in Transformer Insulating Oil

    This seminar enhances a better understanding on how transformer insulating oil reacts after long use and for maintenance management and its technical team prepare for its maintenance programs.  This will also guide non chemist staff at site understand on how to read insulating oil analysis, specifically DGA and Oil Quality tests. Learn more here.

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